Week 9 PSTTC League Results

Hey everyone, headed out for a night of TT in a few minutes…

Here are the results, great work Daniel! 4 & 0 last week in group 1

Club rankings are updated

Week 8 PSTTC League Results

Hey everyone, here are the results from last week. My apologies for my lac of email communication over the last few months. I’ve been working long 15 hour + days. I’m going to try to get back on top of it here for those of you that have been emailing me.

Something quick and important… we’ve been having players that are unable to finish all of there league matches because people are either leaving early or not showing up after reserving a spot by text. So, to ensure that everyone gets their matches finished, league continues to run smoothly and everyone is happy I’m asking that everyone follow these four basic guidelines:

1. Show up and highlight your name by 7:05 pm

2. Text your name to either myself or Joseph by 7:05 pm if your plan to come but are going to be a little late.

3. If you text, you are going to be late, we will no longer be able to accept entry after 7:30 pm (please respect this as our cutoff time 7:32 will not be put in for league) 7:30 is ONLY IF YOU TEXT AHEAD OF TIME.

4. Unless you have an emergency please stay until all your matches have been completed.

That all being said, I’m looking forward to seeing all of you tonight!


Nice work to Joseph Calugas and Rico King! 4 & 0