[GLTTC Members] Table Tennis Tournaments – April 28/29 and May 5

Hey everyone, don’t know if you already got this from Kim… My email is still messed up but got this one via my personal email address.


To: Table Tennis Players 

There are two table tennis tournaments coming up soon in the Seattle area. The first is the Bellevue Spring Open, the weekend of April 28/29. This tournament will be USATT sanctioned. The entry form is available at the BTTC website, http://www.bttclub.org/Docs/2012BellevueSpringOpen.pdf. Entry deadline is April 23.
The second tournament is the unsanctioned, International District Table Tennis Tournament on Saturday, May 5. The entry form is attached to this email.
Kim Goldov

China Town Tournament Entry Form Click Here

PSTTC League Results Week 14

Hey everyone! Here are the results from last week (#14). Joseph will be running things this Tuesday and hope it will be another big night like we’ve had lately. Don’t know if some of you have been trying to get a hold of me via my email address… jacob@pugetsoundtabletennis.com but there has been a problem with my server and I don’t know exactly what it is.

Anyways, Great job Joseph and WOW Marty Jag is coming up 4 & 0!